
What a Home Inspector Has to Offer

In a typical SACRAMENTO HOME INSPECTION, all areas of the home from the garage to the roof are examined by a qualified professional inspector. The home inspector will usually be in the home for hours, possibly for an entire day, so that they can do a truly complete inspection. Most homes that are sold today are first evaluated by an inspector. Having this inspection done can greatly increase the perceived value of the home in the eyes of potential buyers. A home inspection that reports a sound house is something that gives potential buyers a huge sense of relief.

Even in cases where a home inspection is not performed, a potential buyer will request that an inspection is done in about 85 percent of these cases. The realtor who is handling the sale will strongly recommend that a home inspection is performed because it protects both the seller and the buyer. A clean inspection proves that the seller is not trying to conceal problems and it allows the buyer to enter into a purchase contract with no lingering fears.

The home inspection will often begin with the foundation. In addition to a thorough examination of the home's foundation, the support beams and walls are closely inspected. All of the exterior components of the house are also inspected fully, with many home inspectors paying particular attention to areas like the roof and the flashing.

A home inspector will also be looking for signs of trouble within the home fence, for example black mold. Mold can be difficult to spot since the tiny specks can often be easily mistaken for dirt. If the home inspector finds mold within the home, it is actually beneficial for the home owner. This allows them to get mold remediation before the problem becomes worse or causes serious illness.

All of the plumbing, wiring, and appliances will also be examined by the home inspector. These things are sometimes many years old, or even decades old, and most home buyers want to be assured that they still work as they should before making an offer on a home. Sometimes, minor issues with plumbing and wiring are easily corrected in only a few hours.

The driveway and other areas closely surrounding the home will also be included in the typical home inspection. The overall impression of the home is partly dictated by what is seen from the outside, so the home inspector actually helps the home owner to keep the "curb appeal" as high as possible.